Quality education can be achieve in a good school with characteristics.

Quality education can be achieve in a good school with characteristics.
Message from Director, Director

Quality education can be achieve in a good school with characteristics like effective management and monitoring, good infrastructure, availability of qualified teachers, punctual students, healthy and secure environment with safety measures, maintenance of cleanliness, availability of safe drinking water and sanitized toilets, co-scholastic and value education and implementation of a continuous and comprehensive evaluation system. It is the desire of every parent to admit their child in a good school. It is a tough task to decide where to admit their child. Should it be a government or a private school? If it's a private school, which one should it be? There are hundreds of queries. The last two decades witnessed a rapid growth in the private school sector in the entire country. This growth necessarily advocates good education in this sector. But it is also true that all private schools do not fulfill the essential qualities required for quality education. However, the positive side is that almost all of these schools try hard to achieve overall development of their students. Hence it is the responsibility of every parent to closely observe the various activities being performed in the school their wards attend. I am a director of a respected educational institute "Pioneers' Higher Education Academy, Waling, Syangja" which has been dedicated to the community since 2044 B.S. Here, children are taught to be good daughters, students, women and citizens. Scholastic, co-scholastic and value education are part of the syllabus. Here teachers are often trained to enable children to think creatively, in problem solving and application of knowledge by acting as facilitator and not as teacher in the classroom considering the individual differences between children.

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